Divine Healing Master Keys 5, Multidimensional Quantum Energetic approach for Wellness, Soul Restoration and Abundance

  • livingbeyondmind
  • December 26, 2021

Multidimensional Quantum healing modality based on the “Law “ask and you shall receive”. It enables the quick and effective identification and clearing of core patterns and thus frees your life force for greater wellness for mind, body, heart , soul &  heart based inner connection

Inward process for imbalance through to wellness, restoration, abundance and embodied transformation + much more,  
  • Healing Shock and Trauma blocking abundance
  • Hormone Imbalance and associated emotions recalibration
  • Undoing addictions programmes
  • Releasing Insomnia
  • Healing blockages to working in Alignment and Purpose
  • Healing the source of sensitivities and allergies
  • Vibrational Essences and nutrients to restore wellbeing
  • Post Surgical restoration
  • Elevating mindset around personal relationships  
  • Overcoming life stresses for positive living
  • Chakra, meridians optimisation 
  • Nervous system rebalancing
  • Releasing genetically imprinted programmes
  • Overcoming blocks to moving forward in life 
  • Energy management in your home and work space 
  • Reframing  soul programmes for abundance
  • Shadow work and deep transformation to improve relationship desires
3 session bookings receive a complimentary meditation to support your bespoke needs ( Limited Time )